
The Shadow Influ­ence Project needs your help. Account­abil­ity jour­nal­ism is on life sup­port and schol­ar­ship on today’s power bro­kers lags far behind the real­i­ties. Our tool will help con­nect the dots — and in a unique way — in this pre­car­i­ous time. Mak­ing the Influ­ence­Tracker acces­si­ble to the pub­lic will take your support.

Donate now… Click on the School of Pubic Pol­icy but­ton  below and write “Wedel-Shadow Influ­ence Project” in the “other estab­lished fund” box on the donate screen.

School of Public Policy

Our Fun­ders

The  Shadow Influ­ence Project has received seed funds from the Park Foun­da­tion, the Cen­ter for Global Stud­ies at George Mason Uni­ver­sity, and pri­vate donors Vic­tor Nieder­hof­fer and Fern Goer­ing.  The hedge fund com­po­nent of the project has secured some sup­port from the Insti­tute for New Eco­nomic Think­ing (INET).

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